Friday, July 18, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 4 - Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Sydney Fish Market
- Wentworth Park
- Victoria Park
- 3 Dots
- Casino
- Fireworks (World Youth Day)

We spent this morning working on getting ready for our trip to Cairns ("Cans") and doing some laundry and other equally exciting housework. We decided to hit the Sydney Fish Market for lunch and opted for fish and chips. I decide to get up close and personal with some of the octopus selection. Apparently Sydney’s market is second in size only to Japan’s market and is the largest in the southern hemisphere. All the action happens in the wee hours of the morn when local shops, chefs and other quality-hungry bidders squabble over the best catch.

After the market we head off on foot and see Wentworth Park and Victoria Park. Victoria Park has a beautiful pond and tons of “Birds of Paradise” to view. We snapped a photo of just some of this gorgeous plant which can be found in almost all the professional landscaping of Sydney.

We decide to hit a neighborhood establishment for dinner and try 3 Dots for pizza. We are pleased with our selection and head off to the Star Casino – Sydney’s only casino to check out nighttime views of the city. Much to our surprise, there is a great fireworks display to celebrate World Youth Day and the Pope’s visit which we enjoy before heading home. Tomorrow we have to finish up last-minute packing and a quick tour of some of Sydney’s suburbs before departing for Cairns. Cheers.

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