Thursday, July 24, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 13 - Thursday, 24 July 2008

Editor's Note: Yep, I've done it again, these are a few days late and you'll have to jump back to Day 10 if you want to read in order. Sorry about that.

Today in a nutshell:
- Federation Square
- Carlton
- Fitzroy Gardens
- Windsor Hotel Afternoon Tea

I am sadly realizing now that the vacation is more complete than not and July 30 is just around the corner. Bummer. (For those of you B&T folks reading these posts, of course I've missed you all greatly and look forward to seeing your smiling faces again....just not so damn soon!)

Anyway, we certainly make the most of today by heading out after our free pancake breakfast and taking the tram into the city. The tram is a great way to get around because you can make it nearly anywhere and it isn't too expensive. As a matter of fact, due to some tourist misinformation, we end up riding for free and the driver tells us that most Melbournians do the same thing and just jump ship when the inspectors come around. (Mind you they have trams, buses, a subway and a free metro circulator in this city.....why the hell can't we get decent public transportation in Indy I ask you?)

Our first stop is in Federation Square and we do a recommended walking tour to catch the best of this area which includes several churches, public buildings and artistic touches. I wanted to include one unique photo here of some outstanding graffiti we saw on Hosier Lane. This is obviously an artists' city when even the graffiti is outstanding. Everyone had told us that Melbourne was essentially the cultural mecca of Australia and I'd have to say I agree with that assessment after today.

After our walking tour we head over to a metro area called Carlton, which is effectively the "Little Italy" of Melbourne, to check out possible lunch venues. We opt for lasagna at Tiamo, and desserts at Koko Black and neither disappoint.

After Carlton, we walk a little further over to Fitzroy and connect with one of Chad's Purdue study abroad program buddies, as well as two native Aussies and check out the Fitzroy Gardens. I have included a photo of the city from this vantage point for your enjoyment. After the gardens, we head over to the Melbourne Cricket Ground to take a quick peek at the stadium and related practice areas.
(As a side note, our Aussie companions are 2/3 of a set of triplets whose grandfather signed them up for membership to the MCG at birth 20-some years ago and they just got their memberships if that tells you anything about the importance of cricket in Australia.)

We make our way back over to the CBD to catch afternoon tea at the Hotel Windsor. This is an absolutely delightful way to spend your afternoon if you've carted yourself all over hell's half acre (or half kilometer in this case) like we had today. Here is a shot of our posse for today's adventures.

After tea we get a ride back to the hostel and catch our breathe for a bit. Another big day lies ahead.

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