Saturday, July 26, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 15 -Saturday, 26 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Royal Botanical Gardens
- Tourist Bus
- Queen Victoria Market
- Supper Inn
- Charlie's Bar
- Crown Casino

We headed back into the city today to explore the Royal Botanical Gardens. It's a little colder and grey today, so we make a couple of stops indoors for lunch and tea. While we are there, we have the chance to see several sculptures and the black swans I have included a couple photos here.

The rain picks up and we hop on the Melbourne City Tourist Shuttle again to make our way around the city the fast way. We hop off at the Queen Victoria Market and make it around for a few brief moments before closing time. We decide to hop on the Circle City Tram (a nostalgic tram that goes around the city) to check out the docklands and some other areas we'd missed so far.

We hop off again and head to the Supper Inn for dinner. The Supper Inn is a great Chinese restaurant tucked in the back corner of another Melbourne lane. We must have done something right by making this choice because the place was full within about 15 minutes of opening for the evening.

After dinner we head over to Hardware Lane for dessert and drinks. Charlie's Bar provides a great selection of both in a overly suitable atmosphere, and (hold your split ends ladies) also has the first-ever coin-operated flat iron I've ever seen in a public bathroom. Who says we're not making technological progress quickly enough these days?

We hop another tram and head over to explore the Crown Casino. We both decide it is sufficiently disorienting (as all casinos should be) and wildly interesting simultaneously. After watching a ceiling glass/music/light show, we head back home to get ready to leave at 6 a.m. for the airport. (Early plane flights, while cheap, really put a damper on my evenings.) More to come later!

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