Monday, July 28, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 17 - Monday, 28 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Monorail
- Paddington
- Oxford Street
- Dinner at Daphne's House

Okay, so we didn't get off to what I'd call an early start today, which should make coming back to the States on almost no sleep absolutely no problem. (Mind you, each day we get up a little later here makes us that much further off the U.S. timetable, but I guess we'll worry about that in 48 hours or so when we return.)

We opt to hop the Sydney Metro Monorail to make our way toward Paddington - one of Sydney's exclusive eastern urban hubs. We explore a few shops and various cafes along Oxford Street, notably the most famous and populated in this area. We don't make it far before we have to hang out and hide from the weather in Micky's Cafe for a bit due to dreadful rainstorms. We move away from Micky's and down Williams Street to attempt some additional exploration, but the rain sets us back a bit.

We opt to hop back on Oxford (mainly due to the plentiful awnings) and stop for a cider in the Imperial Hotel, which turns out to be a pretty good idea because it is warm, cozy and directly across the street from the bus we need to catch about an hour later.

After the rain stops a bit, we catch a bus and head out toward Daphne's house for (hold your boomerangs folks) kangaroo steaks. Daphne was Chad's boss when he was working at AFTRS and was kind enough to invite both of us over for a proper Aussie meal before we depart. Daphne lives in Leichhardt which is a nearby western suburb. She's just renovated her home and has opted for a uniquely modern style which is quite impressive. We enjoy a lovely meal with her family and friend, Sarah, who also shares travel stories with us about a recent European tour.
We head back home after dinner and prepare for tomorrow - our last full day in Australia. We hope to make the most of it.

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