Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 18 - Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Australian Hotel
- Bar Hop

Well, it’s finally here – the last full day in Australia. We have mixed emotions. We love the idea of our perma-vaca travel schedule, but also miss the comforts and friends at home. We spend the morning collecting ourselves and our mega luggage stacks in order to be ready to depart tomorrow.

We first head over to AFTRS so Chad can return a badge from work and say goodbye to his work group one final time. Everyone is sad to see us go, but wishes us well. We grab a quick lunch in the Entertainment Quarter and head across town for another errand.

Next we are off to CAPA – Billy Blue to drop off fresh flowers for one of Chad’s study abroad program planners who underwent surgery while we were here. All the PU students chipped in to get her a recovery gift and Chad was designated official “purchaser and deliverer” of said gift because he was going to be here the longest. Turns out that the CAPA person was out this day, but we left the flowers with another co-worker and chatted with her a bit about dinner options and suggestions.

We head back over to Glebe and enjoy San Churro treats for an afternoon snack. This place is fabulous and hits the spot just right. We phone Welby and meet up with him across town before heading to dinner at the Australian Heritage Hotel.

We enjoy kangaroo and duck pizzas for dinner. Both are excellent and have a decidedly different taste. After we stuff our bellies we head off to hit the bar scene for our final night. Our first stop is Scruffy Murphy's where we enjoy a strange mix of music videos, amateur boxing, drink specials and dancing. Our friend Michael (originally from LA but transported to Sydney for his job) joins us and we opt for a new location as the bar becomes packed with Uni students who have come out to enjoy the cheap drinks.

Our next stop is 3 Wise Monkeys where the crowd is a little more mature and the room is a little less crowded. Another of Michael’s friends joins us here and we enjoy a live band and people watching.

We cross Darling Harbour and decide to end the night at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel. I have included a photo of the nighttime view of this area. Rodney (the Melbournian we are staying with) also comes out and joins us for a couple rounds here. By this time of the night, it is passing 1 a.m. and we have to think about heading back to Rodney’s house for some shut eye.

We head back home (only a brief walk from the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel) and enjoy one final glass of wine with Rodney before heading to bed to rest our weary heads. I counted the number of steps we took on this trip (over 330,000) and converted that to feet (based on Chad steps which are slightly different than Crystal steps, but you get the idea) and came to the conclusion we traversed over 1 million feet during our 20 some odd days here.

Tomorrow we board a plane to come home – and mentally prepare for our 17 hours of air time. Thanks to those of you who have stayed with us until the end! We look forward to seeing you again in the flesh in the near future.

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