Thursday, July 24, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 11 - Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Palm Cove (beach)
- Dinner at The Pier
- Casino
- Gilligans (bar scene)

Okay, so even though the sky was cloudy, we wanted to make sure we saw at least some beach time while in Cairns. We heard some of the nicest beachfront area was in Palm Cove, so we headed up to check it out via bus.

Turns out the rumors were right, and Palm Cove does have some great beaches. We spent a fair amount of time walking along the beach and enjoying the tide. We also walked out on the pier and watched a sea falcon do some "fishing" of his own for dinner. That was pretty interesting because neither of us had ever seen that before.

Palm Cove is full of swanky hotels and temporary housing along the beach and reminded us both a lot of "wealthy" Florida. It was a great place for outdoor fun and families, but definitely takes a second seat to the flashier scene of Cairns.

We headed back down to Cairns as nightfall set in to grab dinner and head out with friends. Chad and I were meeting up with his friend Welby from Holland, and Johannas, Kim and Jill from Sweden. This brings up a good point I've failed to mention until now - Australia is swarming with tourists from all over the world all the time. It's great because you are always meeting someone from somewhere else and it's a great way to connect and make new international friends. We all headed over to the Pier Bar & Grill for dinner along the waterfront. Because it is warm here (even in winter), everything has outdoor seating all the time, which is great fun.

After dinner and drinks, we head over to the Reef Hotel & Casino and do a quick run through. No one was willing to commit any serious money to the effort though, so we opted to head back to Gilligans for some drinks in their first floor bars. I call it a night a little earlier than Chad because of our early departure for the airport, but a good time was had by all in general. I have to get my beauty rest now....the airport calls at 5 a.m. tomorrow - yikes.

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