Thursday, July 24, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 12 - Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Today in a nutshell:
- Arrive in Melbourne
- Crash
- Tour St. Kilda

So, today started off in a very interesting fashion. We arrived at the airport to depart for our flight down to Melbourne, where is is decidedly colder than Cairns. (Think hats and gloves people.) When we get to the airport, we learn that we (or perhaps Virgin Blue) have somehow booked ourselves to Sydney instead of Melbourne, and are stuck going there. (uh oh)

We fly to Sydney and are fortunate enough to have someone help us book a flight to Melbourne and get straight off on the next flight and arrive by 11 a.m. (Her theory - get there now, worry about the hundreds of dollars in double booking tickets and computer error later.....right)

Anyway, we are finally here and it is such a relief. We have booked ourselves at a nice hostel in the St. Kilda suburb called The Ritz. (Yes, the irony of a hostel called the Ritz was not lost on us either.) It is clean, seemingly convenient and offers a free pancake breakfast, so we really can't complain. Because we had a hectic morning, we crash for a decent nap when we get here and awake about an hour later to explore the St. Kilda area.

St. Kilda is a suburb and near the beach in Melbourne. It turns out that it is full of fun restaurants, boutiques, pubs and bakeries. Now, I have come to the conclusion that in having reviewed my other posts, it seems as though all we do is eat and talk about baked goods. I don't want to disappoint here, so I will include a photo of the Acland Cake Shop where we enjoyed a delightful french vanilla treat and tea. It was a tough choice though because this area is loaded with gorgeous windows like this, laden with hundreds of mouthwatering treats.

We also found a great pub with free wifi (rare to come by in Australia really) and hung out here for about an hour to check e-mail and check in with our mainland peeps. While here, we meet some lovely Sydney folk, one of whom is in the television industry. Chad and he talk shop for a bit about the differences between television and film. We head out after the computer battery dies and hope to catch some zzzzz's so we can get up early tomorrow and hit the Melbourne CBD (central business district - Australia's fancy name for what most of us would know as "downtown"). Cheers!

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