Sunday, July 13, 2008

Australia July 2008 - Day 1 - Saturday, 12 July 2008

Dear Friends and Family:

Greetings from Down Under. Chad and I are just getting our feet wet with Australia's many offerings. Here is a brief summary of what we've been up to so far:

Today in a nutshell:
- Arrival
- Sydney Harbor
- Bondi Beach
- Walking
- Running
- Dinner
- Crash

I arrive in Australia at about 6:05 a.m. after the 14-hour flight over from Los Angeles. (On a side note, props goes out to Chad's sister (Kristin) who kept me entertained on my 6-hour layover in L.A. by showing me around Warner Bros. and her current set work on "Pushing Daisies" and sending me off with some outstanding Big Sugar Bakeshop red velvet cupcakes that made it 9,000 miles and straight through customs.)

Chad greets me on the back side of customs, which is as close as you can get here in Sydney. I swap out my US-appropriate shorts, for Australia-appropriate pants (it's winter here) and we train it over to Central Station and then transfer up to Glebe which is the area where we are staying with friends. We stop off at one of Sydney's best bakeries, Bourke Street Bakery, for their world-famous raspberry and chocolate muffins, a small quiche and some hot tea - a staple here in Sydney due to the morning temps. which are presently about 50 degrees.

We drop our stuff at Michael's house and take off for "The Rocks" which is an historic part of Sydney. This area is great because much of the original stonework from the 1800's still exists, as well as many alcoves and hidden passages into central courtyards where restaurants and clubs now reside. The Rocks is located on one shoreline of the Sydney Harbor and is the place to ferry yourself across to the other side and various peninsulas. The ferry rides are an absolutely great way to see the majority of the coastline of Sydney - as well as the primary landmark - the Sydney Opera House.

We head out to Watson's Bay first, to check out The Gap. I get to see my first pelicans up close here, and let me tell you, those are some GIGANTIC birds. From Watson's Bay, we bus it down toward Bondi Beach - one of Sydney's most famous and tourist-friendly areas. It was a beautiful day for the beach - by now the temperature has risen up to the low 70's and it is quite comfortable. We watch surfers for a bit, and then check out a local skate park. We decide to grab a super late breakfast at an outdoor cafe right along the beach and take advantage of the "Happy Hour" special which makes meals and drinks cost nearly 1/2 of their normal prices. (Happy Hour is very big here - as well as alcoholism - perhaps a connection?)

We stop for gelato in Bondi before taking off on foot along the coastline to complete the Clovelly trail. Even though the trail is paved the entire way, its endless hills and valleys, along with countless steps makes it a challenge even for the fit. The work is second to the breathtaking views you get along the way via the small rock climbs you can complete for fun to check out the ocean.

You also pass a historic cemetery that provides some beautiful memories of Sydney one hundred years ago. When we finish the walk, we bus it over to Bondi Junction for some quick shopping. From here we head over to Paddington to check out the official Paddington market full of local artisans and clothiers. I find many wonderful things here, but the price tags provide enough sticker shock I hold off on buying. ($80 for a pair of small silver earrings is just a little too rich for me.)

We head back home and in a desperate attempt to stay awake a few more hours, I head out with Chad for a run - I run and Chad walks quickly to try and keep up. We do this run-walk pattern over to Darling Harbor - one of Sydney's most developed Harbor attractions, complete with a beautifully lighted promenade, shops and restaurants. Really a great place for a nighttime run. We head home, shower and go out to dinner. We enjoy a great Polish restaurant in Glebe and then head home. I shove in two Tylenol PM and call it a night - the last 26 hours must be slept off to move forward. Cheers Mates!

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