Friday, November 26, 2010

Jamaica: 24-25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from Jamaica! We are hoping you are having the most excellent holiday while we are here. We are thinking of you all and thankful for each and every one of you.

We started off Wednesday with a snorkeling trip out to the reef. We didn't take shots while we were under the water, but we did want to give you an idea of the types of things we saw while we were here. Here is a sampling.

After we went snorkeling in the morning we pretty much lounged around the house the rest of the day. Even the guard dogs needed a nap. Doesn't this look like the epitome of protection to you? (We love the guard dogs by the way, they are super friendly and loving and help remind us of our own furry friends at home.) Here is the sunset from Wednesday night off the back of the house. Pretty wonderful stuff.
On Thursday we did two main activities. We went to the Black River and then to the Appleton Rum Estate. These first shots are from the river, the second from the rum tour. The crocodiles enjoy the treats that the boat drivers pass out frequently.
Here is our driver Devon telling us about the shrimp traps that the locals use in the water.
Here is a shot of the boat dock loading area where we started our tour.
Here are some shots from the Appleton Rum Estate. This was a good time and we enjoyed tasting several varieties of rum.
Here are some local girls we passed on the way home. Aren't they cute? They wanted to have their picture taken so much.
They had prepared a full Thanksgiving dinner for us and spelled out "Happy Thanksgiving" in flower petals for us on the table. I'm telling you, this place is awesome. Until tomorrow!

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