Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jamaica: 21 November 2010

Jamaica, sweet Jamaica, oh how I heart you!

Greetings friends and loved ones. We made our way to Jamaica this morning and are so happy we did. We started in Indy, did a quick (but enjoyable) layover in Philadelphia, and then swung straight into Montego Bay. We were greeted at the airport by "Dougie." Dougie is the resident contact for the Island Hoppers helicopter transfer we secured. He helped us make our way from the airport, to the helipad and finally over to the south side of the island to our beautiful and stunning resort.

Okay, so I try my best not to speak in superlatives about vacations, and to temper what I write here to be a combination of fun information, and not come sounding like a braggart. I have to throw all that out the window though today and I apologize for that. What you are about to read next may just make you hate me. I'm sorry. That's not my intention, but there are simply not words to capture the amazing experience that we have had so far. So, if you are up for it, dig in!

As we landed from our helicopter ride, we were met by the Bluefields Bay staff and their kind offering of fresh orange juice on silver trays in champagne glasses. Not a bad way to start a trip, right? They carefully whisk us away to the villa and our mouths drop wide open as we step out of the car and see our oasis.

We are staying at the beautiful and amazing Bluefields Bay Villas at the Hermitage. Here are a few shots. (And yes, it is just as spectacular as it looks here.) To help you try to understand the amazingness that is this experience - just imagine an entire open-air home, a private staff and anything you could desire at your fingertips. To top it off, imagine a home that is beautifully decorated, has a private pool and looks straight out onto the ocean. As a matter of fact, as I type this, I do so with the gentle roar of the tide at my side. (I know, I warned you once already.)

We enjoyed carefully crafted appetizers while our dinner was being prepared, and drinks to our liking all the while. We made our way down to the beach, enjoyed the hammock for a few moments and watched the locals swim on a nearby beach. We kept cool by dipping our feet in the pool. Dinner included cabbage soup, stuffed lobster, scalloped potatoes, seasonal vegetables, fried plantains and homemade fruit sorbet. (Not to mention a great toast by Ms. Cindy Zoellner.)
After dinner we enjoyed a quick dip in the pool and are settling in for the night. The windows are open wide, the breeze carries in the sounds and sweet smell of this island paradise lazily and we fight to keep our eyes open wide to take in every moment of this heaven. Until tomorrow.

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