Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jamaica: 22 November 2010

We're here and still loving Jamaica.

We started this morning with a lovely breakfast of toast, cereal, fresh fruit salad, bacon and a special Jamaican egg scramble. (yum) We continue to love the special attention and care provided by our villa team. We are all getting to spoiled too come home and will miss the attention.

After we enjoyed breakfast we headed out to sea on kayaks and explored the southern coast of the island. We saw many native birds and the area is surrounded with beautiful flowers.

After time on the kayaks we came back inland for a moment and then headed over to our private aqua raft (a nice large floatation device they've left for us in the middle of the ocean to use for laying out). After this we enjoyed lunch and took a variety of naps, enjoyed the pool and took a stroll up along the street to see the nearby park.

Here is a shot from our window with one of the beautiful hummingbirds (Red-billed Streamertail) that was hanging out to enjoy the many flowers around.
After we finished our time at the park and headed back, it was time to prepare to head to the manager's reception in another nearby villa. We met many of the guests who were staying in nearby homes and the owners of all the homes. We have also enjoyed meeting the owners' son and learning more about the island.

Once we returned from the manager's reception we came home to find dinner (and the dinner table complete with new fresh flowers) had been prepared for us and our team was ready to help us enjoy another fine evening of Jamaican dining including pork chops (Jamaican style), seasonal vegetables, potatoes, sea lime pie and rum ice cream. (yum, again)
Later in the evening we enjoyed a special late-night snack in Jamaican grilled cheese. Stay tuned as we prepare for the next day of deep sea fishing and massage!

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