Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jamaica: 23 November 2010

Today was filled with quite a bit of excitement again. Half of the crew set out at an early 5:30 a.m. to hit the ocean for some deep sea fishing. And, boy, did they score. The troupe came back with an amazing 13 fish! Along the way, they saw these pelicans. While they were busy catching fish, we were busy enjoying a leisurely breakfast with our attentive Jamaican staff. While I won't give you an exact play-by-play account of every meal (French toast and Jamaican eggs, fresh fruit, hot tea, coffee, etc.) I did want to share the beautiful silver and British colonial undertones that adorn the house. Here is the breakfast service area just off the main dining hall. (You know, the one that overlooks the ocean while we eat all our meals as the breeze comes in?)
Here's the first shot upon their return. Look at how happy they are about their bountiful catch! And, a quick photo of a small crab that made an appearance for us. Overall they caught 13 tuna, 2 barracuda and 1 rather large (~25 lbs.) king fish. This is me giving you some perspective on the size of the king fish. No, I'm not eating the fish. (That comes later.) And, to make sure we continue to share every ounce of this trip with you, here are a few shots from the beverage prep station. (Again, in British colonial style.) Thank you fine silver trays, ice buckets and stir sticks. You have made this little adventure all the better.
Here is an assortment of mixers available in Jamaica. The ginger beer (like root beer but a little different) and Ting are great!We spent the afternoon napping and lounging out on the ocean on the aqua float. Later in the day a few of us enjoyed a deep tissue massage (heaven) and then we all dined on sushi, fish kabobs and fresh veggies assembled from the day's catch. (Your fish doesn't get much fresher than this.)Later for dinner, we enjoyed "fish tea" soup, fresh fish fillets, fish rice and seasonal vegetables. It was heaven. Best of all we know we played a part in making dinner and providing some fish for the boatman and the staff.

We finished the night with the "Pool Olympics". Cindy was a gold medalist. More to come tomorrow!

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