Friday, December 26, 2008

Hawaii - Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone! I have to tell you in this blog because it is so NOT Christmas in Hawaii. There are just a smattering of lights and decorations. That doesn't stop us though. Because we thought that many businesses would be closed, we headed outside for a day of natural sightseeing in Waimea Canyon. Waimea Canyon is the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. We were also very lucky to see about eight different rainbows today in various beautiful settings. I included just a couple of shots here so you would have an idea.

Next we took off to the Russian Fort Elizabeth due to its black beach (a rarity here in Kauai). While the beach was black, there wasn't much else to see or do so we took off after about 30 minutes. We drove onward to see Spouting Horn. This natural wonder occurs as water rushes under a lava shelf and bursts through a small opening at the surface. This particular blowhole is different from others found throughout the state as another hole nearby only blows air, making a loud groaning sound - hence the "horn".

Probably the best part of the day was the evening when Robert (Chad's brother) finally made it to Hawaii - just a few days late. Hats off to Robert here!

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