Monday, December 22, 2008

Hawaii - Monday, December 22, 2008

Okay, back to the laptop again for additional posting. We are surrounded by limitless beauty here, as well as lush green mountains and exotic vegetation. Yes, I know, you hate us right now. We are sorry about that, but if you can tolerate reading more feel free.

We are staying at the Pahio Bali Hi Resort in Princeville. Many thanks to Chad's parents' friends that made that option possible. We've explored the area a bit and took a walk today to visit a pool that overlooks the ocean via extensive cliffs. Here are two pictures of resort view.

Kauai is sort of like an extensive beach town, with one special addition - wild roosters that roam freely in all areas of the island. I included a pic here for your viewing pleasure. I'd record their 2 a.m. serenades for you and add them here as well if I could, but you'll just have to trust me about that part.

We also have some beautiful plants just outside our door and I included photos of those as well.

The remainder of our day was spent gearing up for our stay with a visit to the grocery store and a quick stopoff at a small beach. I love the beach. I wish I could walk along the beach everyday, and while we're wishing - I wish you all could be there with me. Aloha!

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