Monday, May 4, 2015

Paris: Day 5 - 04 May 2015

Let's try Paul for Breakfast

77 rue de Seine 75006 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

Today we had a great breakfast treat from Paul - one of the chain bakeries in Paris. Say what you want about chains. I would certainly recommend the beignets from this particular bakery - they are covered in cinnamon sugar and are offered in a plain and chocolate option. Yum!
Paul Bakery Beignets - St. Germain de Pres - Paris, France

Louvre Outdoor Walking Tour

We had a great time walking around the Tuileries Garden / Jardin Tuileries and plazas at the Louvre. You're going to kill us for this, but we didn't go inside. I know, I know. So much to see.  The crowds were overwhelming and we simply didn't want to fight them.  The space is massive, both inside and out so there was plenty to see no matter which direction we went.  Here's a fun graphic of the gardens and some outdoor photos.
"Jardin des Tuileries Plan" by Paris 16. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Louvre in Spring 2015, Paris, France

Arc de triomphe du Carrousel, Tuileries Garden, Louvre, Paris, France
Get your very own Venus de Milo for your desk at the Louvre gift shop!

Light Lunch at Telescope

5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

Some places have just so much charm. Telescope certainly did. This quaint little coffee shop was tucked away on a side street and worth the bumbling we did to find it.
Fun Logo Font at Telescope - 5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris, France
Pastries and Coffee at Telescope, 5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris, France

Galaries Lafayette - Holy Mother of Shopping...Wow!

This department store (or should I say "stores") was just overwhelmingly fabulous. The indoor design is just stunning, and the layout is fun and allows common folk to walk around gawking and pretending they might actually buy this runway designer's spring collection of the rack in his private "shop" area.  Sure, why not?
Taking in the wonder which is Galeries Lafayette in Paris, France
But like all good things, after you've seen 10,000 clothing items your brain goes into overload. It's at that point you might as well head to the roof and enjoy the view.
Rooftop View - Galeries Lafayette, Paris France
Rooftop View - Galeries Lafayette, Paris France

Early Dinner at Le Deli Circux - Printemps

64 Boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

We decided it was time for afternoon snack and made our way over to Paris' other large department story, Printemps. This store is actually in three (3) buildings and in order to visit the building with the skyline view, you need to head to Printemps Beaute - Maison. There, on the 9th Floor (not one of the other buildings) you can get to the Terrasse Panoramique. Make sure you use the restroom before you arrive though, or else doing so will set you back €1,50...even if you have already made purchases. Enjoy the view of all of Pairs like we did!
Printemps celebrates its 150th Anniversary while we visit.
Rooftop View at Printemps, Paris France
Rooftop View at Printemps, Paris France

L'Entrace Cafe + Bicycles

It's fun to take in the cafes and watch the bicyclists wiz by.

A bicycle whizzes by

A Little Library Time - Free WiFi Mecca

So I thought I'd try to snag a quiet working space while I was in Paris. As it turns out, that's hard to come by. Here I am with about 200 other folks trying to do the same at the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève.
I scream, you scream. We all scream for a quite space with free WiFi.

Laundry Rue de Seine

Sometimes travel gets a little less glamorous. On those days, there's laundry. Navigating the French instructions was a bit of a stretch, but we managed.

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