Thursday, April 30, 2015

Paris: Day 1 - 30 April 2015

We had the great pleasure of leaving at a comfortable time in the afternoon and enjoying an overnight flight to Paris. (Here we are all smiley and happy.  Later we are all jet lagged and cranky.  So just imagine us happy.)
And, we're Paris.

Our First Night's Stay - 9th Arrondissement

We arrived without incident and were able to make it to our hotel. Americans tend to enjoy staying in the 6th Arrondissement, while Europeans tend to favor the 9th and 10th Arrondissement. We decided we'd try both on this trip because (a) it was our first visit and (b) we couldn't get our apartment in the 6th arr. for the entire duration. We weren't sorry we broke things up.
A Note about Paris' Neighborhoods - Where to stay? As mentioned above, Paris is divided into a number (20 to be exact) of what we'd simply refer to as "neighborhoods" or "districts" which define its culture and vibe. You can stay in nearly any of them, but there are some preferred locations due to proximity and verve. This guide gave us some good fodder for this trip and you might enjoy reading it as well.
A map of Paris' Districts - Arrondissements

Something Truly French: Hotel du Temps

11 Rue de Montholon, 75009 Paris  •  Google  •  Trip Advisor

We opted to stay at the Hotel du Temps because we liked the way it looked online, offered an easy booking process and felt different that the other hotels we'd seen. As it turns out, almost all the hotels that Chad reviewed online were within walking distance to this location and we were able to see many on foot. Several in this area looked more than acceptable for a lovely stay in Paris and we feel certain others would be pleased to be here.

Here's a peek inside the Hotel du Temps lobby courtesy of Google Business View. (This made picking out the hotel super easy when we arrived because I'd already seen the outside thanks to the Interwebs.)

Chad also took a few of his own photos of the lobby and our room which I have also included.
Hotel du Temps Lobby - Paris, France - 9th Arrondissement Hotel
Feeling chaud, chaud, chaud... - Hotel du Temps, Paris, France - Vintage Water Faucets
Our cozy room at Hotel du Temps, Paris, France

Try to Avoid the Jet Lag Siesta

I did all I could, but my body couldn't cut the seven-hour plane flight which basically has you arriving in Paris in the middle of what normally would be your night. (However, since Paris is ahead of the United States by anywhere from 6 - 9 hours, it's already the next morning.) I begged the hotel attendant to perhaps entertain allowing us to have an early check in and he obliged. I then promptly crashed for about three (3) hours. It couldn't be avoided. Body and Sleep Cycle 1. Crystal 0.

Lunch at La Rimaudière

2 Rue des Martyrs, 75009 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

Nothing particularly special here other than a corner location, an English-speaking waitress and an award for best runner-up to the place we were intending to go that only took Euros. (By the way, before you leave the country, go ahead and tuck about €100 in your pocket for travel requested directly from your bank. You'll be happy you did. I was too rushed to do that this time, but did when we traveled to Germany a few years ago and am sorry I missed the chance this time. Oh well. Live and learn.)

Macarons from Gastel Paris

102 Rue la Fayette, 75010 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

It only seemed fitting to start our first day off with some sweets. Here we sample a six-pack of macarons from Gastels.
Macarons from Gastel Paris, France

Dinner at Hugo

11 Rue de Montholon,75009 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

Super yummy and right around the corner from the hotel. Great servings, service and seemingly enjoyed by Parisians, other Europeans and two goofy Americans alike while we were there.
Dinner at Hugo, Paris, France

An Evening stroll in Montmartre

We felt the area of Paris made most famous in our lifetimes courtesy Baz Luhrrmann's Moulin Rouge deserved a visit at night. After all, if you're going to go to one of the "seediest parts of Paris," you might as well see it in its best light. (Not terribly dissimilar to some of its long-standing patrons.)

The area doesn't disappoint if you're into window shopping for the latest in S&M gear or pornography. Basking in the neon glow of overhead lighting, the area draws tourists from afar to bumble around much like we did gawking at all the options. The highlight for us was certainly Moulin Rouge and its famous windmill. (Obviously long-since restored and refitted to look something like its wooden ancestor.)
Moulin Rouge at Night, Paris, France 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away...Come Again (after I return home)

We spent a large part of our evening in the rain (sigh) and hope it doesn't stick around until the Tuesday forecast they predicted. Added to our list of lessons learned:
  1. Bring more layers than you think you should need no matter what every single weather app told you the weather would be.
  2. Don't forget your umbrella. (Or, maybe even two umbrellas.)
Here are a few closing shots in the rainy eve. We also enjoyed seeing Montmarte's spooky cemetery (more on that tomorrow) and their funicular. (But we opted for the stairs.)
Checking out the menu at one of the local restaurants. That's me with umbrella #1.
 You'll be stunned at how these quiet streets turn into bustling tourist meccas by morning.
The streets of Montmarte in the wee hours of the morn.
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris and often simply Sacré-Cœur
    Until we meet again friends...


    CFB said...

    We heard the most angelic voice singing in that church one evening from a nun.

    Unknown said...

    Hotel du Temps looks amazing! The place appears to be meant for cameras and tourist shots. Thank you for putting up those pictures for us. People will now know what or where to look when they travel to Paris, aside for the usual things available. Cheers!

    Marci Deegan @ Twin Pine