Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Paris: Day 7 - 06 May 2015

Paul Pastries for Breakfast (again)

What can I say, when you find a good thing you stick with it.

Train Ride

Paris, France

 Walk - Outdoor Market

Creative Boat Designs // Paris, France

Cafe des Phares

Always time for a pit stop at the cafe.
Creative Table Advertising in Paris, France

St. Martin Canal + Graffiti Walk

Always something interesting to see in Paris. In case all the carefully planned tourist attractions don't pique your interest, a few handy artists have taken to the streets. Cats, cats everywhere.  (Angry, gansta ninja fighter cats.)
Paris, France Street Art

10 Belles for Lunch and Coffee

10 Rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

This small bakery and lunch spot was just the perfect touch to our rainy Parisian afternoon.  Great (cool) seating and a warm and comfortable atmosphere.
10 Belles // Paris, France in Spring 2015
Photo courtesy At Home in Paris
10 Belles Custom Coffee Mug // Paris, France
These pretty flowers offered relieve (of the visual variety) from the rain storm.

Public Toilets and My Walk Home

Not that manic form of hand washing, rather that burning knowledge that my filthy hands could spread disease at any moment. Imagine my relief when Chad scurried to find me another public garden (Ann Frank) tucked away along the walk that had public bathrooms.
Public Self-Washing Free Restrooms in Paris, France

Dinner at Au Pied de Fouet

3 Rue Saint Benoit 75006 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

Great food and interesting conversation with another U.S. couple. Dinner at Au Pied de Fouet turned out to be entirely worth it, as indicated by the healthy foot traffic and perpetual line out the door as we ate late into the evening.

Heading off to bed early this evening so we're rested for Versailles tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Paris: Day 6 - 05 May 2015

Pastries from Eric Kayser

10 Rue de Comedie 75006 Paris France •  Wikipedia  •  Yelp

In our quest for trying as many pastries as possible, we visited Eric Kayser (Maison Kayser) this morning and tried their sampling. Very popular and established internationally, with limited U.S. locations. There are several locations in Paris if you wish to check it out.
Photo from  // Eric Kayser 2015 Visit (Paris, France)

Train Ride to The Eiffel Tower / Tour Eiffel

After morning pastries, we bumbled over to the train station and headed out for the Eiffel Tower. We had the luxury of seeing it both the daylight and at night.
The Eiffel Tower / Tour Eiffel - May 2015

Lunch at Aux Cerises (7th arr.)

47 Avenue de Suffren 75007 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

Great little restaurant nestled in a happy little neighborhood, Aux Cerises offered relief form tourists in the form of a great big salad, assortment of pastries and coffee.
Aux Cerises Salad, Paris, France // Spring 2015

Jean Millet Bakery Rives de Paris (7th arr.)

103 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

After Chad's jet-lag fueled, time zone altered stroll a few nights earlier, he was well versed on which bakeries actually were baking their own breads at 4 a.m.  So we opted to stop by one and try it ourselves. Yum. Neighbors and tourists agree, the bread can't be beat.
Vintage Bakery in 7th arr. suggested to be the best by some. Paris, France 2015

Afternoon Wine at Au Canon des Invalides

4 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

Sometimes you just need a break from coffee.  Then you move to wine. Here's a quick shot of what our afternoon wine looked like and the small snacks they offer to complement your selections at Au Canon des Invalides.

Photo from TripAdvisor UK // Paris, France

A Stroll down the Champs Elysses

One of Paris' busiest and notable streets, the Champs Elysses at rush hour is no joke. So like any good little tourists, we opted to stop off at Laudree.

 Laudree Paris - Le Bar

13 Rue Lincoln, 75008 Paris, France •  Google  •  Yelp

There's no bones about it, you should just do this. It's worth the pit stop and the enjoyment of feeling like royalty for 30 minutes. The bar is of particular interest because you really don't have to wait in line or for a table. You just pop in and grab a seat. (Watch for the super-secret and oh-so-cool automatic pop-out doors the staff uses.)

Laudree - Le Bar - Paris, France, May 2015

Arch de Triumph

Arch de Triumph // Summer 2015 // Paris, France

Taking the Train Home 

(I heart Public Transit...and ice cream.)
The Eiffel Tower / Tour Eiffel at Night // Summer 2015 // Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower at Night // Summer 2015 // Paris, France

Monday, May 4, 2015

Paris: Day 5 - 04 May 2015

Let's try Paul for Breakfast

77 rue de Seine 75006 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

Today we had a great breakfast treat from Paul - one of the chain bakeries in Paris. Say what you want about chains. I would certainly recommend the beignets from this particular bakery - they are covered in cinnamon sugar and are offered in a plain and chocolate option. Yum!
Paul Bakery Beignets - St. Germain de Pres - Paris, France

Louvre Outdoor Walking Tour

We had a great time walking around the Tuileries Garden / Jardin Tuileries and plazas at the Louvre. You're going to kill us for this, but we didn't go inside. I know, I know. So much to see.  The crowds were overwhelming and we simply didn't want to fight them.  The space is massive, both inside and out so there was plenty to see no matter which direction we went.  Here's a fun graphic of the gardens and some outdoor photos.
"Jardin des Tuileries Plan" by Paris 16. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Louvre in Spring 2015, Paris, France

Arc de triomphe du Carrousel, Tuileries Garden, Louvre, Paris, France
Get your very own Venus de Milo for your desk at the Louvre gift shop!

Light Lunch at Telescope

5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

Some places have just so much charm. Telescope certainly did. This quaint little coffee shop was tucked away on a side street and worth the bumbling we did to find it.
Fun Logo Font at Telescope - 5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris, France
Pastries and Coffee at Telescope, 5 Rue Villedo, 75001 Paris, France

Galaries Lafayette - Holy Mother of Shopping...Wow!

This department store (or should I say "stores") was just overwhelmingly fabulous. The indoor design is just stunning, and the layout is fun and allows common folk to walk around gawking and pretending they might actually buy this runway designer's spring collection of the rack in his private "shop" area.  Sure, why not?
Taking in the wonder which is Galeries Lafayette in Paris, France
But like all good things, after you've seen 10,000 clothing items your brain goes into overload. It's at that point you might as well head to the roof and enjoy the view.
Rooftop View - Galeries Lafayette, Paris France
Rooftop View - Galeries Lafayette, Paris France

Early Dinner at Le Deli Circux - Printemps

64 Boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris France •  Google  •  Yelp

We decided it was time for afternoon snack and made our way over to Paris' other large department story, Printemps. This store is actually in three (3) buildings and in order to visit the building with the skyline view, you need to head to Printemps Beaute - Maison. There, on the 9th Floor (not one of the other buildings) you can get to the Terrasse Panoramique. Make sure you use the restroom before you arrive though, or else doing so will set you back €1,50...even if you have already made purchases. Enjoy the view of all of Pairs like we did!
Printemps celebrates its 150th Anniversary while we visit.
Rooftop View at Printemps, Paris France
Rooftop View at Printemps, Paris France

L'Entrace Cafe + Bicycles

It's fun to take in the cafes and watch the bicyclists wiz by.

A bicycle whizzes by

A Little Library Time - Free WiFi Mecca

So I thought I'd try to snag a quiet working space while I was in Paris. As it turns out, that's hard to come by. Here I am with about 200 other folks trying to do the same at the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève.
I scream, you scream. We all scream for a quite space with free WiFi.

Laundry Rue de Seine

Sometimes travel gets a little less glamorous. On those days, there's laundry. Navigating the French instructions was a bit of a stretch, but we managed.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Paris: Day 3 & 4 - 02 May and 03 May 2015

I'm combining these two days because we were still adjusting to the time on Saturday and took it pretty easy. Sunday we more than made up for it with extensive sightseeing. Here's a quick recap.

Breakfast at Mabillion Boulange

13 Rue Cadet, 75009 Paris  •  Google

Nothing special about this place, but it was convenient and did offer us hunger relief in the morning as we set out on our quest for basic necessities.

Help! We need WiFi and Internet Communication - Thanks Orange!

We were pretty pleased with the Orange Communication Holiday Plan. We'd recommend it to others traveling as well.
As of 2015, the Orange Holiday Plan was €39,99 per phone.
Here's how it worked:
  1. We visited an Orange retaile store and brought in our existing U.S. phones.
  2. One of Orange's sales representatives swapped our SIM cards out of the phones and replaced them with new Orange Holiday Plan SIM cards. He saved our existing SIM cards for us in the provided packaging so we could put them back in when we returned home.
  3. He helped activate the new SIM cards in Europe. He confirmed that we were getting an Internet connection and that the phones were working. He wrote down our new Parisian phone numbers for us. Once he did this, we had the ability to call any French numbers we needed, text and have Internet service the entire trip. This way we could swap between the provided WiFi in our apartment and around town, but also keep continuous service on (important) walking routes between key landmarks - think Google Maps, Yelp, etc. Super important for a first-time tourist.
  4. We took the opportunity to add our new phone numbers to our existing contact information for one another and tested to make sure the system worked. All systems go!
  5. We gained our sanity back and greatly reduced our frustration when we did this and I'd make this a Day 1 "get yourself settled" endeavor if I returned. I recommend others do the same. There may be cheaper services through other providers, but we had such a great experience with this one I would use them again.

On to Groceries - Enter Monoprix

So I may have touched on the fact that our little apartment (a.k.a. room with a sideways toilet that doesn't quite fit in its little closet, next to the kitchen closet, etc.) needed a little love. So we had to outfit it with the basics - like toilet paper, soap, decent pillows, etc. So we needed something akin to a Target. We found it. Monoprix is one of France's major retailers that combines clothes, housewares and a full grocery. It takes a moment to do a little navigation between the women's bras and eggs (which are strangely close to one another), but after you get over the identity crisis they're having between an upscale department store and the corner grocery, it's quite handy.

The battle's on for best gelato...Amorino or Berthillon? Why not both.

You may find yourself trying to find the "best" ice cream or gelato in Paris like we did. Some might say it's the dramatic punch of Berthillon's numerous flavors that gives it a leg up (actually I might say that). Others (say, Chad) might say it's the creamy nature of Amorino's classics that make it the best, or the fanciful "flower" they create for each cone. No matter which you end up choosing, you can't go wrong with trying both during your first visit to Paris.  There are multiple Amorino locations. There is one Berthillon location (31 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île, 75004 Paris), however we did notice that some other retailers use their product in their dessert and gelato selections.
The Amorino flower that can be custom created each time you want to enjoy their amazing gelato.

Let it Rain....and a Walk through Parks

So we may have mentioned that it's been raining a bit. Two umbrellas later, we're out and about to enjoy the city a bit more. The Seine reminds us just how much the rain means to the city. But even Paris gets more rain than it expects at times.
Lots of Rain for Paris, France, Spring 2015
The rain can't keep us down forever though, and the sun fights to show its face between Saturday and Sunday. We have really loved Paris' use of the tiniest of spaces to create some beautiful pocket parks all throughout the city. They even use their boulevards to make magnificent playgrounds for scads of screaming Parisian children. Trust us. They are well engaged with the outdoors and the nature of play!
One of Paris' numerous beautiful parks and playgrounds. Paris, France 2015

Afternoon Tea at Mariage Frères (Saturday)

13 Rue des Grands Augustins 75006 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

Something that Chad and I love, but don't get to enjoy often in the U.S. is afternoon tea. We started to fall in love with this in England, and continued to through Ireland. We have sought out tiny retreats across the world to stuff our faces with mini sandwiches delicately prepared, accompanied by a string of pastries and fancy teas in delicate china. I wish I could share the smell of this shop with you in this blog. It smelled like spring. Here is a sample of what we enjoyed.

Mariage Frères knows a thing or two about branding. Paris, France

Lunch at BREIZH Café (Sunday)

111 Rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

This quaint little cafe didn't disappoint. To give you an idea of scale, here's a quick link to their Google Business View. I have also included a pic of the yummy cider and crepes we had. We finished with two (2) sweet dessert crepes too. The line around the corner when we arrived was a true indication of what was to come...a well-prepared meal and enjoyable brunch. (The line does move quickly.)

BREIZH Cafe Crepes, Paris, France

The Smiths Bakery - Just around the Corner

12 Rue de Buci 75006 Paris  •  Google  •  Yelp

Make some time to get your fanny over to The Smiths Bakery for a palmier. Simply the best we had in all of Paris. Totally worth the trip. Plus, the staff speaks English and French happily. Also serves Berthillon ice cream from a cute little cart out front.
The Smiths Bakery- 6th Arr. - Serving Paris' Best Palmier

Centre Georges Pompidou & Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore (Saturday)

A fun building located in the 4th Arrondissement, the Pompidou Centre and its square are worth a visit alone to see the bright colors and interesting mix of folks.
George Pompidou Centre, Library & Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France
Made a quick stop to the Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore. The nooks and crannies upstairs were quite fun. They have some unique texts and certainly pump through a great deal of tourists. My favorite unexpected surprise was the bookstore cat.
The bookstore kitty doesn't let his perpetual audience interrupt his leisure.

Notre Dame (Saturday)

Notre Dame de Paris is certainly a crowd pleaser and a destination in and of itself. Added a couple shots for good measure. I am sure you can find thousands more online. We got to see a bride and her entourage while we were here too and it made me think of home. Hope wedding season is treating everyone well.
Notre Dame, Paris, France 2015
Notre Dame, Paris, France 2015

Saint Sulpice at Sunset (Sunday)

Lots of pretty churches and cathedrals to enjoy in Paris. Here is one we stopped to visit on our way home at sunset. Finally, the sun wins and makes a steady appearance.
Church of Saint-Sulpice, Paris, France

Luxembourg Gardens - Jardin du Luxembourg (Sunday)

So many pretty pictures that we'll share with you later at the Luxembourg Gardens, but here are a handful of my favorites so far. Paris has so many wonderful gardens, monuments and oases. You can get lost for days in the hedges, rows and flowers. Luckily there is an abundance of public-provided seating at these locations and the government seems to work hard to keep the parks looking beautiful and enjoyable for the public at the same time. We certainly got our use of them while we were here.
Enjoying a sunny day in Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, France
 More to come tomorrow...bonsoir!